w Zapier Extension - Auto Funnel Press
Auto Funnel Press 2.2.0 - Available Now

Zapier Extension

Integration Platform

Zapier Extension

Zapier is an integration platform connecting multiple systems together with customized Zap operations. The Auto Funnel Press Zapier extensions utilizes the integration with any of the hundreds of other Zapier connections so you can run specific types of operations between capture, registration documenting, system associations and more.

The Zapier Extension is a license managed, premium WordPress add-on plugin extension for Auto Funnel Press. Each plugin requires a valid license to be activated.

The Zapier Extension license for Auto Funnel Press is valid for 1 year of updates and support.

Requires a Zapier account with at least a starter plan and a valid Auto Funnel Press installation.

This is a Pro Extension which is included in the Professional, Ultimate and Suite licenses for Auto Funnel Press.