Auto Funnel Press - Varied Licenses
1 Activation is valid for 1 WordPress installation
Auto Funnel Press is an “all-in-one” easy to use platform that integrates with WordPress enabling you to create replicated affiliate membership systems, creating dynamic landing page groups, (capture, registration and confirmation pages) that your members can use to refer new members to your system. Internally, you can choose to enroll distributors, sell training or affiliate systems, manage customers, and have others promote YOUR content using our revolutionary affiliate block technology.
Auto Funnel Press is a license managed, premium WordPress plugin with add-on plugin extensions for modular enhanced functionality. Each plugin requires a valid license to be activated.
Minimum Requirements
Current Version
- Added a simple soft anti-spam honeypot to the registration form
- Fixed an issue with Elementor Pro and AFP Elementor load order conditions
- Fixed issue with registrations generating transactions when they should not
- Fixed anomaly with AFP Elementor activation on installations without Elementor Pro (required plugin)
- Restructure and Expand the Access Restriction System
- Restructure and Expand the Paid Access System
- Deprecated older Access Restriction and Paywall systems
- Added new Buy Now Block
- Added Transactions
- Added Billing History Block
- Added Internal Affiliate Reward System
- Added Affiliate Commission Block
- Added New Setup Utility
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Diverged codebase and product-line
- Changed initialization check
- Updated Core meta
- Updated AFP checks and validation
- Updated fields structure
- Start conversion of file formatting to PSR-12
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Added AFP Network Landing Input shortcode
- Added AFP Network Input shortcode
- Updated AFP Updater
- Updated AFP License System
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Updated AFP Blocks to new WordPress editor standards
- Updated admin notices to be more dynamic for system states
- Added Nested Block functionality for both Confirmation states
- Fixed issue with orphaned user relationship data
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Upgrade internal Stripe library
- Upgrade internal Authorize.net library
- Upgrade AFP update mechanism
- Deprecated several functions in favor of new standards
- Deprecated Confirmation block
- Various fixes and code adjustments
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Added registration restrictions
- Added minimal registration option
- Fixed issue with network landing link processing referring id links
- Added shortcode for landing page network link
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Added adjustments for Dynamics Update
- Updated cookie capture fallback
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Fixed issue with certain network group outputs
- Added dynamic messaging for different admin interactions
- Modified the field sanitation for network blocks so url parameters would correctly pass
- Fixed issue where user could create a redirect loop on homepage
- Fixed an output ID duplication which could cause problems with multiple form blocks on a page
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Fixed compatibility issue with WordPress 5.5 Release
- Add support for Dynamics extension
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Fixed issue with some configurations that could cause confirmation emails to have duplicate headers
- Add CSV export / download option to Child User Block
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Fixed an issue with promotion link redirection on dynamic variable changes
- Fixed an issue with url scheme shifts on certain redirections with Reading Settings defined
- Added validation for login page selection to prevent page id conflicts
- Added a new layout option for Network Block
- Added a reset field option for Network Block
- Added a Test Link option for Network Block
- Added option to not redirect to dashboard for logged in users
- Updated instructional messaging to be more clear on certain AFP Settings
- Fixed issue with email replacement shortcodes not working correctly on some email types
- Fixed issue with Network Link shifts when re-ordering the position in admin
- Added option to define a custom login page
- Added User Login block with password reset option
- Removed No Front landing option because of non-workable conflicts with promotion link redirection
- Fixed issue with Capture on Registration Secondary Admin List capture
- Updated outgoing email execution to try and prevent possible double sends
- Added option to set Network Block links to open in new window
- Updated Logging details to provide better output information for various AR selections
- Fixed issue with AWeber list conflict for other AR list data when multiple AR info is saved in the system
- Secured loophole on promotion link variable anomalies
- Update options for Pre-Capture Survey
- Added validation option for custom profile fields to fix saving issue
- Fix referral email default message
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Added option to enable customizing the landing page urls
- Added option to customize promotion link output
- Added pre-capture survey option
- Added referral notice email option
- Update core files to be ready for AFPv2 Theme and Dynamics Extension
- Updated Network Access Restriction with the same Network Retrieval methods employed in previous update
- Fixed a critical issue on Default Admin for Network Access Restriction
- Added User relationship management option for Admins
- Fixed a conflict with GetResponse and Sendshark List IDs
- Upgrade internal fields library
- Added CSS style for dynamic profile view
- Added option to hide block from public profile view
- Updated blocks for public profile view to be more consistent
- Updated style fall-back on certain flex block fields
- Fixed issue that sometimes could happen where referred user wasn\'t mapped to default admin if no query_var could be found
- Fixed issue that sometimes could happen for parent profile on unmapped or invalid user relationships
- Fixed critical issue due to internal system file not updated to latest
- Created a conditional fallback for certain network user data
- Fixed issue with Avatar block for Admin users
- Fixed integration anomaly for Zapier fields
- Added User Avatar block
- Added Password Update block
- Added Top 10 Referring Users block
- Changed profile page restrictions on certain user blocks (Referred User List, AutoResponder Setup)
- Fixed conflict with Sendshark List and AWeber List selection
- Upgrade AFP AWeber List DB
- Changed AWeber list association
- Fixed issue with Landing Group defaults
- Deprecated AWeber List ID Field
- Added Capture and Mail logging for support assistance
- Added option to disable Welcome Email
- Updated welcome email with conditional meta value
- Added Zapier Extension support
- Added User Parent block
- Update user parent shortcodes
- Update settings page support info
- Update Stripe library integration with condition to resolve duplicate errors
- Fixed issue with manual user confirmation settings
- Fixed AWeber integration output
- Changed conditional display for extended member profile blocks
- Fixed issue with some pre-defined conditions for certain AFPv2 System configurations
- Resolved PHP Warning
- Added some helpful notices for activating AFP Extensions
- Fixed issue with Elementor associated Registration widget with custom field settings
- Added Dynamic Member Profile Options
- Added Dynamic Profile features with System Registration
- Added Additional Capture Page Options
- Fixed issue with some conditional system configurations
- Fixed an issue with GetResponse capture output
- Updated transmission operations
- Added additional notes and information to the admin for various AFPv2 settings.
- Fixed issue with visual selection for Sendshark Campaigns
- Fixed some additional notices for PHP 7.3 Compatibility
- Fixed some changes for WordPress 5.3
- Update settings page information for Shortcodes
- Update license settings for extensions
- Update internal Library for WordPress 5.3
- Update Core for Extension Release
- Added additional capture fields for supporting services
- Fixed issue with User AutoResponder selection
- Fix issue with Stripe price calculation
- Update license connection url for SSLVerify
- Update license options for Managed AFPv2
- Auto Funnel Press Rebuild Release
The suite license for Auto Funnel Press is a maintained subscription. It includes updates for as long as the subscription is active with access to the Members Only support and content for the duration of the subscription.
The suite license is offered in two separate variations: Self Hosted and Cloud Hosted.
- Self Hosted licenses are the same as most WordPress premium plugins. You have your own hosting provider / account and your own WordPress installation that you manage.
- Cloud Hosted licenses are delivered in a SaaS (software as a service) model. We manage your WordPress installation on our cloud servers.
Both subscription options include a license for all the extensions (Pro and Premium) that exist now and become available in the future for Auto Funnel Press.
Included: Pro and Premium Extensions
The starter license for Auto Funnel Press is a traditional WordPress premium plugin offer that includes only the core plugin.
Your purchase will automate the creation of an account on the AutoFunnelPress.com website that houses your order history along with your license key(s) and the plugin file(s).
* no extensions included
+ self-hosted system
Included: No Extensions
No extensions included.
The professional license for Auto Funnel Press is a WordPress premium plugin bundle offer. It includes the core plugin and all the pro extensions.
Your purchase will automate the creation of an account on the AutoFunnelPress.com website that houses your order history along with your license key(s) and the plugin file(s).
* pro extensions included
+ self-hosted system
The ultimate license for Auto Funnel Press is a WordPress premium plugin bundle offer. It includes the core plugin and all the extensions (both pro and premium).
Your purchase will automate the creation of an account on the AutoFunnelPress.com website that houses your order history along with your license key(s) and the plugin file(s).